Sunday, June 22, 2008

Crazy Summer

The last couple of weeks have been so busy! I love the warm weather we have been having but it seems like with the warm weather comes lots of outside work. For the last couple of weeks we have been working on our chicken coop. It was so fun to watch Ty and Cash work on it. She insisted on using the hammer and actually she does better then I do! We finally got it done and got the chickens in. Cashlee loves to go out and feed them. She thinks she needs to play with them, but she can't figure out why they run! This last weekend we had the chance to go do sealings at the temple. It was so much fun. I love the feeling you get when you just get done in the temple. All your worries are gone and you can just feel the spirit. After the temple we had to get a fence for our front yard. I hope that it will keep Cashlee in and safe. She is so quick that I am so scared that she is going to get out on the road. Yesterday, Ty and I decided that we needed just a fun family day so we decided to go to Bear Lake. It was so much fun. I really didn't know what Cash would think of the whole thing but she walked right into the lake and kept walking. We had a hard time getting her out. I loved just being able to sit and enjoy the time with my family.


emily said...

She is so cute. I can't believe how big she is. She was just a baby not to long ago. Isn't the temple a neat place? We have really enjoyed being so close to one. You should show us some pregnant pictures. I bet you look great!

Schwab Family said...

oh stef those are so cute!! i love that little girl. i want her to love me ha ha. we should all go to the lake sometime and take the boat i bet cash would love it!!!

Hepworth Family said...

She is such a doll! It looks like things are going well for you guys!
Summer Fun . . . and work!