So I decided to join this book club that one of my friends told me about. You get free books in the mail, and you post a review on your blog, and then pick another free book. It's a pretty sweet deal.
Anyway the book I read was by Lucille O'Neal, "Walk Like You Have Somewhere to Go". As the mother of one of the greatest athletes of all time, her journey is exceptional;but her story reveals that she is more than just "Shaquille O'Neal's mom. It shares her struggles and disappointments against the backdrop of her sweetest memories and proudest accomplishments. She has been a rebellious teen, a single mother, a wife, a college student, a divorcee, and above all, a woman of unique courage.
I really liked this story. At first I was not that excited because I usually don't like reading these kind of books. After starting it I was hooked. It reminded me that everyone has to start somewhere, and that we shouldn't judge people before we really get to know them. She has such a great outlook on life, and really inspires people to be better and to always look on the bright side of things. I definantly would recomment this book.